Lime Rick

Limed and loaded, rhymed and ready

Friday, June 09, 2006


Learn truthiness, then slander.
If that doesn’t work, gerrymander.
If you’re still far behind
Once you’ve maligned and confined,
Then it’s time for the big guns: Pander.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

June: Pandering Season for Republicans

Our numbers continue to sag.
Is it the tail or the dog that you wag?
Oh, forget the damn phrase;
Let’s go out and bash gays,
Then show our support for the flag.


No, but don’t use the fact that you lost a husband as the basis for being able to talk about, while preventing people from responding. Let Matt Lauer make the point. Let Bill Clinton make the point. Don’t put up someone I am not allowed to respond to without questioning the authenticity of their grief. – Ann Coulter, The Today Show, June 6, 2006

I can’t go on the Today Show
‘Cause I’m not a spokesperson. So,
I’ll hire a drama queen
Like Coulter the Mean;
Just like Bush hired Tony Snow.

I can’t go on the Today Show
‘Cause I actually know what I know.
If you put up authentic
Against hallucinogenic
The addled eventually blow.

What to do? Well, just go with the flow,
And – yes – watch her rake in the dough
Until, stuck in her sewer,
Losing viewer after viewer,
She won’t go on the Today Show.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

NYAH nyah

KARL and GEORgie SITting in a TREE
FIRST comes FEAR then DEMS we disPARage
ALL else FAILS then we BASH gay MARriage.