Maybe That's As High As They Can Count
Among the al-Qaeda crew,
Bin Laden is first, it’s true.
But after the top,
It’s quite a sheer drop.
Everyone else seems to be Number Two.
Limed and loaded, rhymed and ready
Among the al-Qaeda crew,
That’s not slime, understand – That’s emulsion.
In the 50’s, the Dems had Boll Weevils
So the grand jury’s now had its say
They say that Big Gov is a curse,
Sometimes now is the same as then.
So Michael Brown’s contrition
The stock’s in blind trust, but it’s mine.
So GOP politicos natter
We pour a billion into Iraq’s defense;
I seem to have misplaced my groove
There once was a man from Crawford
There’s a black hole in the Middle East
Here’s a conservative think-tank position.
The multibillionaire relaxes.
There are some folks that God just won’t bless;
I was sitting in my local pizzeria
When young I went to the Big Easy
The Senate’s core is a quorum
Where there’s truth, I’m an excellent dancer;
There haven’t been rhymes on the SCOTUS
In case you had any doubt,
Hey, boys and girls, Dubya is back!
I have every right to a gun
When seen through the right-winger’s prism
There once was the Paula Jones mess,
Now that they’ve thrown him to the mob,
The Administration’s getting on top
“Master, does Bushenstein have a brain?”
These days, this cranky old fellow rants
It’s not Three Stooges time, boys – Boink!
At Kellogg, Brown and Root
The American Dream is imbued
Apparently Bush is too tired
Even though Mike Brown’s a menace,
Governing’s so easy to do
Democrats, don’t be demure;
Bush in the headlights – say cheese!